Sunday, June 9, 2013

May 25 Whisler CG, Jasper, AB

 While there is a chance that we may never come this way again--so we decided to hang around Jasper for a couple of days and then try AGAIN (in the Honda) to see the "Most beautiful drive in North America".  With our 'Jello' schedule, we are in no rush, and Whistler's is a very good Campground.  So today the little town of Jasper has the honor of our presence.  It is a cute little tourist town (within the national park!) that's busy year round--skiers in snowy winters, & tourists in beautiful summers.  Once again we are required to pay $16.38 each per day for being in a National Park.
 This is the historic Visitor Centre (note Canadian spelling), a lovely stone masonry building style that formed the architectural style for the Canadian National Park system.  Inside were lots of very nice expensive items (you can't do without) for sale in the gift shop, and of course tickets to places you can't do without seeing.  We got the latest weather forecast, plus a few more brochures to peruse.  Now we get to walk around town to see things you will see no where else.
Chuck in a comfy leather chair beneath the mounted Wolverine on the mantle
First we got to rest for a while.  Such a long walk from the car.
Across is the totem pole which has been there in one form or another, for over a hundred years, 1906 to be exact.  Called the Raven totem pole
Of course Pauline notices all the benches

Mulch of Lodgepole pinecones is plentifully available
planted flowers downtown, Spring has just begun

Interesting--perhaps Cherry bark?

This was the complete tree

Unfurling--a lovely fern frond

And some weeds.  My. Dear Bride notices all such........
Views of some 'hills' as seen from downtown Jasper.

Yes, they all had names

This is Whisler Mountain named after the campground at its base (Pauline's comment:  I don't think so!), where we are staying.  The big knob at the end is not a rock but the housing for the tram which is a big draw for both the tourists and the wallet.  We decided to pass on going up.
This is a long view of it, from our campground.  (P. says, Chuck is just showing off his camera's 16x zoom--which really is awesome!)

 And of course, we get to walk, and walk, and walk.  I know, I know, it's good for me.  This walkway with panoramic mountain views was newly planted with hundreds of 10' tall Douglas Firs, just dedicated days before we took the walk.
HUT 2,3, 4  etc.

Community garden, note the high fence to keep the elk out.

We go back to the CG, hopefully for a nap but my Dear Bride has other ideas.  
"Let's go for a another walk"    WEEEEEE
So we will have some views around the CG.

Then we saw this elk mother cleaning off her brand newborn, probably only a few minutes old.  We very wisely did not get too close (another  of Chuck's zoom shots).  They can get a little unhappy if you do.  Now mind you, we are still in the CG.  It is wild, and highly recommended, at least by us.  Almost boondocking.
 We watched as Baby took it's first steps, and he was as awkward as it looks.  But his 'food supply' had moved along a few steps.
 OK, the food is back there, go get it.  It did.
After a couple of days of this we decided maybe (according to the forecast) the weather will be good enough tomorrow to try the Icefields Parkway again in the Honda.  Here's hoping.

In case you have not deducted by now the posts are written by Chuck and edited by Pauline, the one who can spell and is a gammer, or grandma.  Something like that..

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